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Welcome to the New YMS PTO!

Welcome to the new YMS PTO! We are here to serve and help make a great year for students, staff, and parents.

Our Mission

Our goal is to promote an enriched educational environment by fostering a cooperative and beneficial relationship among YMS PTO students, parents, faculty, and staff.

PTO Bylaws

PTO Bylaws 

Events & Fundraisers

We are excited about the events and fundraisers we have planned for this year!

Events & Fundraisers Information Sheet

T-shirt design Contest 


Birthday Grams

Volunteer Opportunities

Many hands make light work. You can help us ensure this is a great school year by volunteering! We will have opportunities for many levels of involvement, and we encourage everyone to help how they can to make our fundraisers and events successful. The Media Center needs help with stocking shelves, copies, etc. 8th Grade teachers need help with copies, laminating, etc. Click the links below to sign up.

Media Center Volunteers

8th Grade Volunteer

Join the PTO

We would love for you to become a member of the PTO! We are a new PTO, but we will honor anyone's membership from the prior PTO. If you paid for multiple years, you are currently a member. If you already paid for your membership for this year with the prior PTO, please email us.

Membership Details

Membership will be annual. And since we are all starting fresh, we have intro pricing! $10 a year for families and $5 for teachers. Your membership will help us cover operating costs and pay for all of the incentives, dances, appreciation events, and more that we have planned.


Find us on Facebook!

Positive Referral for Staff

Sporting Event Policy





PTO Executive Board
"Like" Us on Facebook!

T-Shirt Design Contest

Spirit Wear Available