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Rules and Policies

2024 – 2025 School Year


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It is the policy and practice of the Walton County School District to provide opportunities without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, handicap, disability, genetic information or veteran status in its educational programs and activities. This includes, but is not limited to: admission, educational services, financial aid and employment. Questions related to the application and compliance of this policy may contact the school system’s coordinator, Dr. Lance Young, at 200 Double Springs Church Road, Monroe, Georgia 30656 or at (770) 266-4520, or





O.C.G.A. 20-2-690.1.  requires the parent, guardian, or other person who has control or charge of a child or children to sign a statement indicating receipt of such written statement of possible consequences and penalties; children who are age ten years or older by September 1 shall sign a statement indicating receipt of such written statement of possible consequences and penalties.


O.C.G.A. Section 20-2-690.1 requires any person in this state who has control or charge of a child between the ages of six and sixteen to enroll and send that child to school, including public, private or home schooling.  This law further states that any parent, guardian, or other person residing in this state who has control or charge of a child or children and who shall violate this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 and not greater than $100.00, imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, community service, or any combination of such penalties, at the discretion of the court having jurisdiction.  Each day’s absence from school in violation of this part after the child’s school system notifies the parent, guardian, or other person who has control or charge of a child of five unexcused days of absence for a child shall constitute a separate offense.

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ABSENCES:   Excused?   Unexcused?   Truant?


State law requires that youngsters between the ages of six and sixteen attend school except for specific reasons listed.  When a student must be absent, the absence will be classified as excused or unexcused.  In order for an absence to be excused it must fall into one of the following categories: personal illness, illness or death in the immediate family, recognized religious holiday observed by your faith, absences mandated by governmental agencies, and instances where attendance would be hazardous to the safety of the student or prior approval of principal.  All other absences will be considered unexcused.


An absence excuse note should contain the students name, date of absence, and parent/guardian signature. Students should bring excuse notes directly to the front office upon their return and place them in the excuse note drop box.    The principal has the authority to require additional proof of the legitimacy of the excuse.  For example, the principal may require doctor’s statements justifying the absences of a student.  Please note: only 10 parent written notes will be accepted during a school year.


Any unauthorized absence from school will constitute an act of truancy.  Students with 5 or more unexcused absences and all cases of students with 10 or more total absences will be submitted to the School Attendance Officer for further review.


For perfect attendance purposes, students serving as pages of the Georgia General Assembly shall be counted present on the days missed for this purpose.  In addition, students who are present for at least one-half of the instructional day, shall be counted present.


A student may not participate in activities, rehearsals, practices, and/or games on a day the student is absent from school.



The building opens at 7:00 daily.  Student hours are from 7:30 – 2:25. The school will provide supervision for students 30 minutes prior to the start of each school day, and 30 minutes following first dismissal. Students must leave the campus immediately upon dismissal unless involved in a supervised after school activity.  Car riders must load and unload at the designated area for parent pickup.  Students involved in an after school activity must report to the supervising teacher/coach immediately.  Car riders who have not been picked up after an extended amount of time will be brought back into the school.  A parent will need to come inside to pick them up.  


Students riding buses will board buses parked in the bus lanes alongside the school.  All students who ride in cars are to be picked up in an area specifically designated for parent pick up.



Bookbags, drawstring bags and other bags of any type are to be placed in a student’s locker upon arrival, unless approved by administration.



Students are allowed to bring cell phones and other electronic devices to school; however, these devices must be powered off and stored in the student’s locker during the school day.  Cell phones and electronic devices which are out of the locker during the school day will be confiscated.  Students with repeated violations of this policy may be subject to further disciplinary action. 


The school is NOT responsible and may not investigate or recover lost, stolen or damaged personal items.


Inappropriate use of technology will be addressed through the Walton County Code of Conduct.

Students with repeated violations of this policy may be subject to further disciplinary action.



Cheating may be defined as giving or receiving information from another source or person during a quiz, test, exam, homework, independent class activity or any other activity where the student is expected to produce his/her own work.  Giving or receiving information can include, but is not limited to, directly copying information from another source (plagiarism), talking, signaling, or any other form of communication.


In middle school, a student found to be guilty of cheating or plagiarism on any assignment, or any other activity where he/she has been directed by the teacher to produce original work, will receive a zero on the assignment.  If a student knowingly gives information or knows he/she is the source of any information on such an assignment, that student also will receive a zero on the assignment.  The child’s teacher will contact the parents of any student who is punished for cheating.



Parents should obtain their log-in information to our student information system program, iCampus, early in the school year.  This portal allows you to view your child’s grades, attendance, and other important information.  Please be sure to keep your phone numbers and email address up to date.  You can change your email information though a parent portal access on the Walton County website,  Go to the website and click on the parent tab.  Click on the ICampus Parent Portal and follow the directions.  Your contact information can be changed by coming in to our school office and giving that information to an office worker.



The faculty welcomes the opportunity to engage in conferences with parents and students to discuss classroom performance, behavior, or any other concerns.  Any parent/ guardian who wishes to have a conference should contact your child’s teachers to request an appointment.  Keep your teacher’s emails – this is important and allows you to keep up with your child’s performance weekly.  If you have a concern or need to talk with someone other than your child’s teacher, please do not hesitate to call the appropriate counselor or assistant principal.  If a parent/guardian would like to observe their child in a classroom, please give a 24-hour notice to your child’s teacher.



Items confiscated from students will not be returned to the student.  It is the responsibility of the student to notify the parent that an item has been confiscated.  Parents must contact a school administrator to arrange return of the item.



Detention is assigned by teachers and is held after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Parents and students should arrange transportation home from detention in advance.  A student’s failure to return their signed detention form does NOT excuse them from the detention.  Failure to attend detention will result in more severe consequences, except in those incidences where a parent makes other arrangements prior to the assigned detention with the teacher who assigned the detention.  Students are not permitted to sleep in detention; they are expected to read and complete assignments. 



YMS Step SYSTEM- School Wide Behavior Management Plan:

1 Step = Warning (contact parent via TalkingPoints/email)

2 Steps = Teacher assigned silent lunch (mandatory parent/guardian contact by the teacher via phone)

3 Steps = Teacher assigned off-team isolation for the class period (mandatory parent/guardian conference)

4 Steps = Administrator assigns Friday School (submit date of conference when GLA is emailed)

5 Steps = Referral to administration with documentation included on the REF on previous steps (mandatory parent/guardian contact and documented conference)



·         Behavior Issues (make sure you are following IEP, 504, RTI, BIP-Behavior intervention plan)

·         Disobeying classroom rules

·         Class disruption

·         Disregard of teacher’s instruction

·         Can include level one offenses

·         Classroom tardy  

·        Technology Violation


  •  Teachers will keep step logs referring to why steps were given. This will include date, time, and parent contact.  

  • The step system will be used as a progressive plan to avoid referrals. Referrals are part of a student’s educational/behavioral record.

  • Teams will be consistent and relay their expectations in class to their students.

  • All steps will reset at the beginning of each 9 week period.

  •  Steps are issued by a teacher not by a team. Teachers may not combine steps.

  •  Steps begin the first day of school and the first day of each quarter noted on the county website calendar.

  • Steps are to address behavior concerns, not used for academic consequences.

 YMS Goal : Firmness, fairness, and consistency are the keys to an effective discipline program

•  To increase positive student behavioral choices and reduce negative behavior. 

 • To provide a positive academic environment which is safe, orderly, and conducive to learning.



Walton County Board of Education Policy JCDB states students are to dress in a manner that is reasonable and not distracting to

the students and teachers. Any dress of an extreme nature will not be tolerated.

Administrators will make final decisions regarding student dress in his or her school if anything is disruptive to the school environment.

The following guidelines are the regulations that support WCPS Policy JCDB:

1.      Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.

2.      The “3X5” Rule (using a 3x5 index card)

  1. All dress and skirt lengths will be no shorter than 3” above the knee.

  2. All pants, shorts, and gym shorts lengths will be no shorter than 5” above the knee.

3.      Rules for Clothing

  1. Skirts, pants, and shorts must be worn above the hip bone, fitting at the inseam and at the waistline.

  2. No visible skin 5’ above the knee.  Any holes, slits, rips, or tears 5” above the knee must be covered.. (Admin Discretion)

  3. No cleavage shall be visible.

  4. Clothing should not be extremely tight or form fitting as to cause a distraction.

  5.  No pajamas shall be worn; this includes bedroom slippers.

  6. Sheer or “see through” clothing shall be worn with a tank top or shirt that covers midriff and cleavage areas. No undergarments can be exposed.

  7. No part of midriff shall be visible.

  8. Tights, leggings, jeggings, joggers, or yoga pants may be worn covered by an appropriate length shirt that covers the front and back side.

  9.  No tank tops or sleeveless shirts (No exposed shoulders- Ex. Cold-shoulder shirts or off-the shoulder shirts)

  10. All coats and jackets are not to exceed the length of the knee.

  11. No shoes with wheels

  12. No swim shorts or swimming attire 

4.      No head coverings; this includes ball caps, hats, sunglasses, bandanas, hoodies, or scarves that cover the whole head. No ball caps worn attached to the pants.

5.      Heavy metal jewelry, wallet chains, fanny packs, miniature backpacks or other similar items are not permitted.

6.      Purses/lunch boxes must be no larger than 8.5inches by 11 inches. 

7.      No item of clothing, jewelry, headgear, medical/fabric face mask, or other visible personal items shall contain the 


  1. Suggestive language, graphics, symbols or slogans

  2. Profane language, graphics, symbols or slogans

  3. Any reference (language, graphics, symbols or slogans) to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gangs, or any illegal behaviors.

  4. Any reference (language, graphics, symbols or slogans) that are demeaning or discriminating to others 

(ex. Confederate Flags, Malcom X, etc)

  1. Any language, graphics, symbols or slogans that are not in keeping with the values of the community.

8.      Any “dress” (clothing, hair color, jewelry, accessories, piercings, etc) determined by the dress code

         designee or an administrator to be of an extreme nature is prohibited and is a violation of dress code.

9.      All students taking Physical Education classes will abide by the dress code as outlined above.


The principal has the right to modify or revoke the terms and conditions of the Youth Middle Dress Code Policy at any time.  Changes to this policy will be communicated through daily school announcements and will be posted on the Youth Middle School website.


Consequences for dress code violations:

First Offense: Students will be required to call home for a change of clothing or provided appropriate clothing. Student will wait in ISS until a change of clothing arrives.

Repeat Offenses: Student will be referred to an administrator for further action.                                

The principal has the right to modify or revoke the terms and conditions of the Youth Middle Dress Code Policy at any time.  Changes to this policy will be communicated through daily school announcements and will be posted on the Youth Middle School website.



In order for your child to get the maximum benefit from their education, we ask that you help us by ensuring that your child receives a full day of instruction each day. For this reason, and to alleviate traffic problems, we ask the following:

  • If there is an occasional need to pick up your child early for a medical appointment or other personal reason, we ask that you pick up your child prior to 2:10pm.

  • If you do not pick up your child prior to 2:10pm, you will be required to wait for the school to perform its normal dismissal procedures. 

  • If it will be necessary to check out during the day, we ask that a parent or legal guardian send a written request to be taken to the office as the student enters the building.  The note must contain the student’s full name, the date, the reason for leaving early, and the time the student should report to the office for pickup.  

  • No one other than a parent or guardian (who is listed in the school’s Infinite Campus system) is allowed to request that a student check out of school during the day.  Parents and guardians who wish for other responsible adults to pick up a child should include that information in a written request.  The adult must come into the office to present identification and to sign the student out. 



Policy JLB of the Walton County Board of Education states that the delivery of flowers, balloons, teddy bears or other gifts for Valentine’s Day, a student’s birthday or for any other reason is not permitted in any Walton County School.  The office will NOT accept these deliveries.  *No outside restaurant food is allowed.



The grading system for Walton County Public Schools is as follows:


                                                                 Letter Grade                     Percentage   4.0 scale

















Needs Improvement


Below 70




Guidance counselors are available for every student, not just for those who have experienced or are having trouble.  Our teaching staff works closely with the counselors to help students succeed in school and reach their fullest potential. Any student desiring an appointment with a counselor must have a pass from the teacher or counselor. Parents are invited to contact their child’s guidance counselor at any time for assistance or to share concerns. Counselors will help with bullying. We encourage parents and students to report this quickly!



Any time a student is out of class that student must have a HALL PASS by the issuing teacher stating their destination. 



At the end of each grading period, students who have maintained high scholastic averages will be listed on the Honor Lists.  Selection will be based on the following criteria:


Principal’s List

All A’s

Honor Roll

Avg. 90 & above

Merit List

Avg. 85-89



The Walton County Board of Education offers a choice of school day or twenty-four hour accidental insurance program for students.  Athletes, cheerleaders, and band members are strongly encouraged to participate in the program.  This policy is secondary insurance and pays only after other individual or group insurance covering the student has paid.  A brochure is given to each student to take home at the beginning of school. ALL students are encouraged to have medical insurance! Accidents can happen at any time. The school is not responsible in regards to an accident. 



Lockers are issued to students as a service and a privilege.  They provide for the safekeeping of personal property.  The student to whom the locker is assigned is responsible at all times for the contents of his/her locker.  Students are fully responsible to lock their lockers and NOT to share their combinations with others.  Students may lose their locker privilege for a period of time designated by teachers or administrators.  Lockers are considered school property and may be searched at any time by the administration without the consent of the student or parent.  No stickers are allowed on or in lockers.  *SPECIAL NOTE: The school is NOT responsible for lost or stolen personal items of value.  A $5.00 locker fee can be paid online at  A school computer is available for use if needed for payments.  



Energy drinks (i.e. Red Bull) are not allowed as part of students’ lunches from home.  Microwaves are not available for student use.  Lunches from outside restaurants are not permitted in the school cafeteria.  Youth Middle School welcomes parents to eat with their children; however, please be mindful that you must sit only with your child at a booth. 



A student with excused absences is allowed three (3) school days from the day of his/her return to make arrangements with the classroom teacher to make up the work missed.  The teacher and student will decide upon a reasonable time for completing and handing in make-up work.  It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work and to return it as arranged.   Students may make up final exams missed due to unexcused absences with prior permission of the school principal.  


If you are absent for one day, please check your teachers webpage, and or Schoology for missing assignments.  For three or more days absent, a parent should call the office and request your assignments.  Please allow 24 hours for teachers to get assignments ready.  These assignments can be picked up in the front office.   Make up work for a one-day absence must be turned in within three days of returning to school.  (Board Policy JBD)



All medications that are to be administered at school must be accompanied by the “Administration of Medication Request Form”.  All medications, both prescription and non-prescription, must be brought into the school and signed in through the clinic by the parent/guardian, or by a responsible adult designated by the parent/guardian.  Students are NOT allowed to transport medications to and from school.  No medications sent in a plastic bag will be given.


All medications, which are to be given for a period greater than two weeks, will require the form to be completed and signed by the student’s physician.


Administration of prescription and non-prescription medications, even for a short period of time is discouraged.  Parents/guardians should check with the student’s physician regarding the need for medication to be administered during school hours.  Medications prescribed three times daily often can be administered before school, after school and at bedtime.



A.  The following items are expressly forbidden at all times on buses and at school and will be  

      confiscated immediately with possible legal action taken against the person(s) found to be in possession:

  • firearms of any kind (to include ammunition)

  • hacking software

  • drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances

  • fireworks or explosives 

  • gang related objects, symbols, clothing, drawings, etc

  • knives, box cutters, razors, or other sharp objects

  • laser lights/pointers

  • fidget spinners

  • obscene materials, including but not limited to, books, magazines, pictures, electronic media 

  • skateboards, playing cards, dice, trading cards, yo-yo’s, and other toys

  • no glass containers

  • tobacco products, lighters, matches or associated paraphernalia

  • water pistols, balloons, stink or paint bombs

  • animals/pets (unless approved by administration for specific classes)

  • energy drinks

  • clear water bottles allowed with water only

  • Apple watches or devices to communicate (ipads, watches, etc.)

  1. Students are to notify school staff immediately when prohibited items are found in the school or on the school grounds.  Students are advised not to handle these items.

  2. Any prohibited items that are confiscated from a student will be returned to the parent unless the item is turned over to local law enforcement in accordance with state and local mandates.

  3. Students are not allowed to sell any items, food or non-food, at school during the school day without prior approval from an administrator.

  4. Students are advised that the administration has the legal authority to conduct a search of students, their lockers and their possessions when on school grounds.  The administration is required to have only a “reasonable suspicion” to conduct such searches and question students.  Students failing to comply with school officials in conducting such searches will be turned over to law enforcement authorities.

  5. Students are advised that any adult employee of the Walton County School System, including bus drivers, paraprofessionals, school secretaries, substitute teachers, as well as regular teachers and administrators, has the right to give reasonable instructions to students and expect these instructions to be carried out.  Failure to carry out reasonable instructions will result in serious disciplinary action.  

  6. In a continuing effort to maintain drug-free schools, school officials will work cooperatively with local police in soliciting and allowing drug dogs to search lockers.

  7. Any item deemed by administration to potentially cause a school disruption.



Membership in the PTO helps to support our school and provides for better communication between parents and school.  Membership fees are set by each school organization.



Students will be considered tardy if not in homeroom when the bell rings.  When tardy, students must report to the office to sign in. Students with excessive unexcused tardies will be subject to further disciplinary action.  



Use of the office phone is limited to emergency calls.  Parents should not call the school to speak to their child.  Students may use the phone in the front office as long as the student has a proper hall pass from their teacher. Office personnel or the school nurse will determine whether it is necessary for a student to call home due to illness.  



Each teacher will have a classroom set of textbooks.  Students and parents will have access to online textbooks and directions will be given by the teacher via a letter.  Students are to take care of textbooks used daily.



The school secretaries may not take messages regarding checkout or afternoon transportation for students.  It is impossible for us to be certain with whom we are speaking.  Our primary concern is each child’s safety.  Your cooperation is appreciated in this effort.


  • We require that all students come to school in the morning clearly knowing whether their parents expect them to ride the bus, walk, or be picked up by car in the afternoon.  We also ask that parents clearly know whether or not their children are planning to stay for an after-school activity.  If you have questions or concerns regarding transportation (bus schedules), please call our transportation department at 770-207-3200.

  • Requests for special permission to ride a bus (ex: going home with friend) must be in writing from a parent and given to the front office IN THE MORNING.  The note must include the student’s first and last name, a contact number for the parent, the street address (house number and street name) of the location the student will be transported to, and the name and bus number of the student your child is going home with.  Requests will be reviewed and initialed once they have been approved.  Students may retrieve them from the front office during their lunch.  

  • Bus passes cannot be issued for students to get off the bus at another Walton County school unless the student is a member of an athletic team at that school or the parent is a school employee at that location.  Coaches for athletic teams are responsible for providing bus note requests to the school for their athletes.  Students cannot ride to an address that does not lie within the YMS school attendance zone.



If it becomes necessary to withdraw a student from school, a withdrawal form must be obtained from the attendance office and taken to the persons indicated on the form for signatures.  All textbooks and library books must be turned in, and all money due for lost/damaged books or unpaid fees, etc. must be paid.


A parent may call or send notice of a student’s withdrawal.  24 hours notice is preferred.  If prior notice is not given, please understand that the process may take up to an hour to complete while you wait.  A parent’s signature is required for the withdrawal process to be complete.